To make sure you get the best rate for your stay at the Hotel Michela in Marina di Massa, book directly from this website, enter the contact page and send us an availability request.
To make sure you get the best rate for your stay at the Hotel Michela in Marina di Massa, book directly from this website, enter the contact page and send us an availability request.
Look at the suggested beaches for your stay in Marina di Massa.
Served buffet with sweet and savory products, tea, herbal teas, fruit and products for celiacs and lactose intolerant.
Our rooms, some with sea view, are ideal for both single business travelers, couples or families with one or more children.
Our Single room is ideal for single business travelers looking for a spacious accommodation with double bed, bathroom and some with balcony.
Our Double room is ideal for 2 people, has a double bed, bathroom and some with a balcony also overlooking the sea.
Our Triple room is ideal for 2/3 people, has a double bed and 1 extra single bed, bathroom and some with a balcony also overlooking the sea.
Our Quadruple room is ideal for 4 people, has a double bed and 1 extra single bed, bathroom and some with a balcony also overlooking the sea.
Marble & Hotel Group s.r.l.s.
Via Vicenza 5A 54100 Marina di Massa (MS)
VAT Number: 01402550451
Company Registration Number: MS-138213
Fully paid-up share capital:: € 2.000 €
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